Can Disabled People Get Business Loans?

Business Loans for the DisabledA disabled person, irrespective of what the disability may be, can find it harder to handle situations and needs when compared to a fully able person. However, at some level, it may be safe to say that the majority of people are handicapped in some way or the other. Where some people may have physical issues, others may have difficulty dealing with emotional situations due to their own share of stress and anxiety. Everybody comes with their own baggage, so who’s to say that a physically disabled person cannot work as well as or even better than an abled one?

While taking that aspect into consideration, the world has started looking at people with physical disabilities more equally than they used to at one point. That’s why, it isn’t all that difficult for a handicapped person to get hired for a certain job role. Take Stephen Hawking for example- a man who was bound to a wheelchair his whole life, but never let his sufferings come in the way of his success.

There are many such great examples of physically unfit people becoming renowned across the world, due to their own capabilities, proving that physically fit people are not even a patch on them.

Now, let’s talk business- Can Physically Disabled People get Business Loans?

The answer- sure!

There’s no reason for a lender not providing funds to an individual as long as that applicant meets the basic criteria required to be fulfilled. With online business loans that are easier to get as compared to traditional loans, the main criteria that makes or breaks an application is the revenue aspect of a business. As long as the individual requesting for funds for a business meets this particular criteria along with some other basic qualifications, there shall be no reason at all for a lender to sent funding.

Whether a borrower is bound to a wheelchair, is a victim of panic attacks or is completely stable both physically as well as mentally, has got nothing to do with whether or not his business shall be funded by an online loan lender.

A borrower may have a broken leg but he may be able to qualify for the largest amount of funds offered by his lender, or a borrower may be highly athletic, calm and composed and happy and may still not qualify for a loan at all.

However, how much of an amount one shall get approved for is directly related to how much revenue his business generates during a given time period (every lender has his/ her own policies, which may include considering the revenue generated within a month, 3 months, half a year or a year, etc.).

So yes, a physically disabled person shall very well receive funds from his online business loan lender as long as he meets the lender’s eligibility terms, irrespective of what his/ her physical situation may be.